Sunday, April 26, 2009

April 25 - @ Rock Stars

On Saturday, April 25th, the Lightning girls took to the field to try to bounce back from the loss in their last outing against the CV Giants. Although it wasn't a huge loss, it exposed some weaknesses in the Lighting game that needed to be addressed. The girls came early to work out those kinks as well as to try to incorporate some new things to try out against today's opponents, the Rock Stars.

1st Inning
Coming up to bat first, and setting the tone for the game, Janessa connected and sent one out to right field for a double. She was able to advance to 3rd on Gabbys turn. Unfortunately the Rock Star pitcher was able to get Gabby to swing and struck her out. She followed this up with a walk on Tess and after getting it to full count, was able to strike Kelsey out on her first trip to the plate. Alli was next and she was able to connect and send a fast grounder down the 3rd base line. The Rock Star on 3rd fielded the ball and threw to 1st, but the 1st baseman missed the catch and Alli was safe and Janessa scored, putting Purple Lightning on the board. Sara was next and Alli started to work herself around the bases. But 1 run would be all that they would give us as the Rock Star pitcher was able to strike Sara out.

Tess started off at pitcher. The 1st batter bunted the ball and, on the bounce, Tess was able to reel it in, but the throw to 1st missed it's mark and the Rock Stars were able to put a runner on. On the 2nd batter, the runner on base was able to get around to third and put herself into scoring position. Tess struck the batter out for the 1st of the inning. The next pitch went wild and hit the next batter, putting runners on 1st and 3rd. Tess put another 3 over the plate for the 2nd out of the inning, but not before the runner on 1st was able to advance to 2nd. On the next batter, a pitch got past Hylah and the runners were on the move. 1 run scored before Hylah could get the ball back to Tess covering home and the game was tied. This batter as well as the next both walked and the bases were loaded. It was time to try a new play. On the next pitch, the runners took a big lead, Janessa snuck back to 3rd base and Hylah quickly got the ball back to Tess. Tess paying attention to the 3rd base runner caught her napping as she quickly threw the ball to Janessa to pick her off at 3rd and got the 3rd out of the inning.

Purple Lightning 1 - Rock Stars 1

2nd Inning
Hylah was up 1st in the 2nd inning and she repeated Janessa's opening with a hit to 3rd base. The throw didn't get to 1st in time and Hylah got on. Erin was up next, Hylah stole her way to 3rd and after getting to full count, Erin took a walk. Maia was walked next, loading the bases. The pitcher was able to get Alexis swinging to strike her out. Yazmine hit a fly ball, it hit the ground right in front of the Rock Star 2nd baseman and caused enough confusion to buy her enough time to get to 1st. On the play, Hylah was able to cross the plate. Back to the top of the lineup and going 2 for 2, Janessa hit a fast grounder through the infield, but this time the Rock Star defense was ready and got the out on Janessa at 1st, but not before Erin came in for the score. Gabby's next turn saw her bouncing one back to the pitcher and the pitcher made the throw to 1st to get Gabby out and shutting the Lightning down for the inning.

Tess came in to pitch again and she alternated strike outs and walks on the 1st 4 batters. 2 outs and runners on 1st and 2nd. On the next batter, the runners stole to advance to 2nd and 3rd. On a bad throw back to the pitcher, the door opened for the Rock Stars and the runners made a break for it. 1 run scored as the Lighting defense were scrambling to regain control of the ball. In the excitement, the throw to 2nd went wild allowing the other runner to cross the plate. The batter was eventually walked and a strike out on the next batter closed it out. But with 2 runs, the score was tied again at the end of the 2nd.

Purple Lightning 3 - Rock Stars 3

3rd Inning
Tess came up to bat 1st in the 3rd. Tess connected, but on the bounce, the 2nd baseman was able to grab it and make the throw to 1st for the out. Kelsey was next and popped it up. Again, the 2nd baseman went for it, but this time, missed the catch and Kelsey was safe on 1. Alli came up next and she was the 3rd Lightning batter in a row to hit off the Rock Star pitcher, unfortunately it was a fly ball and the short stop was able to make the catch for the 2nd out. Sara came up to bat next. Looking a little nervous, Sara was off balance during this trip to the plate and the pitcher was able to make her swing, striking her out for the 3rd out of the inning.

Kelsey came in to pitch in the 3rd. The 1st batter hit a grounder to Alli at short stop. Making a great play, Alli fielded the ball and made the throw to Gabby at 1st for the out. The 2nd batter was able to connect and sent a fly ball that found a seam between 2nd and right center. Runner was safe at 1st. The next batter came up and the runner stole 2nd. The batter bunted the ball and the Lightning defense pounced, but once the ball was fielded, the runners got to their bases and were safe on 1st and 3rd. With the Rock Stars threatening to score, Kelsey got back to work and struck out the next 2 batters to end the inning.

Purple Lightning 3 - Rock Stars 3

4th Inning
Going shot for shot in each of the previous innings, the Lightning took their turn at bat to try to find a way to break away from the Rock Stars. Hylah came up to bat and sent one into the outfield for a single. Erin came up, but the pitcher sent her back to the dugout for the 1st out. Maia was next and walked and after Alexis got hit by a pitch, the bases were loaded. The next walk on Yazmine brought Hylah home. Janessa, once again, hit a hard grounder, but the Rock Star defense managed to collect it and made the play on Maia (our lead runner) at home for the 2nd out. Gabby, on her next turn, got a huge hit and sent it out to deep right center for a triple, brining 3 runs home. Tess came back to the plate. She hit a hard grounder past the 2nd baseman and Gabby took off for home. Tess got on base and Gabby scored. The pitcher seemed to lose her rhythm as she then walked both Kelsey and Alli and loaded the bases. Sara came back up and this time noticeably shook her earlier nervousness to connect and send one through the Rock Star infield for a single, but both Tess and Kelsey came home to score. Hylah was walked on her next trip and the bases were loaded once again. Erin came back in and got a hit herself, but unfortunately the Rock Star defense was able to beat her to 1st, getting the out and forcing the side change.

Kelsey back in at pitcher. Kelsey started us off by striking the 1st batter out. The 2nd batter bunted the ball, but charging, Janessa was able to field the bunt and make the throw to Yazmine covering 1st for the out. The next batter bunted as well, but this time the throw went over Yazmine and the runner was safe. Erin, making a great play with the perfect backup, prevented the runner from getting any more on the play. The 4th was up and the runner on 1st stole to 2nd. The batter sent one to right field and the ball hit the ground. Runner was safe on 1 and the runner on 2 was able to come around for the score. The 5th batter hit a fast grounder to Yazmine at 2nd and she quickly made the throw to Gabby at 1st for the 3rd out of the inning. Seems like the Rock Stars didn't have an answer this time.

Purple Lightning 10 - Rock Stars 4

5th Inning
Maia up to bat 1st in the inning. Maia got a hit and sent it to the 2nd baseman. The 2nd baseman was able to pick it up and make the throw to 1st for the out. The pitcher walked both Alexis and Yazmine. Janessa hit one to right field, advancing the runners. As she rounded 1st, the Rock Star defense threatened to throw her out at 2nd. Janessa turned back and they tried to throw her out at 1st. The throw went wild and Janessa turned around to make a break for 2nd again. Alexis and Yazmine came home and Janessa made it to 3rd. Next, Gabby popped one up, but the infield missed the catch and she was able to make it on base. With runners on 1st and 3rd, Tess hit a high fly ball and the runners took off. The 2nd baseman made the catch and was able to beat Gabby back to 1st with the throw to get the double play and the last out of the inning.

Tess came back in to pitch determined. The 1st batter walked and, behind by 6, the Rock Stars needed to put some points on the board to stay alive. The runner stole her way around to 3rd base. But the exercise was pointless as Tess brought the heat (or the Lightning, I should say) to strike the next 3 batters out in a row, shutting the door on the Rock Stars and closing the show decisively.

Final Score
Purple Lightning 12 - Rock Stars 4

Game Ball
Everyone elevated their game this time around, but the game ball was awarded to Tess for her stellar pitching performance. Great job girls!

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